CBM currently produces two curriculum’s – Knowing God which is designed for your younger (3-6 year old) children and Life Changers which is designed for your older (7-12 year old) children. Both come packed with great life changing lessons and are fully visualised with picture cards and on power point.

“Knowing God” is a two-year curriculum suitable mainly for children age 3 to 6 year olds
Young children from three to six are at a vital learning stage and we believe it is very important that they not only be taught basic Bible truths but that they come to experience God for themselves. We have developed the ‘Knowing God’ curriculum to meet these needs of younger children through life-related Bible stories, interaction and activity, puppet skits that reinforce Biblical principles, along with plenty of creative movement. To make it more age appropriate we have included story texts and activities for both 3-4 and 5-6 age groups.
Each of the two years include 42 full colour visualised lessons and detailed instructions that can help revolutionise your ministry to this precious age group whose spiritual potential is so often underestimated.
Key features Include:
Separate curriculum Guide Book for teachers
Separate lesson texts for every lesson (age 3-4 and age 5-6)
Story pictures provided as Flash Cards and as Power Point Slides
Small group (class) activities for every session
Ideas to help children learn through movement and games
Prayer topics and Bible readings to fully involve the children.
Simple puppet scripts that emphasise the teaching in a fun way.
A short memory verse relating to the teaching.

Life Changers A four year curriculum suitable for children age 7 to 12 years
Our passion is to see children come to a personal relationship with Christ, and then to grow spiritually into mature disciples; experiencing significant ‘Life Change’ along the way. The content of the ‘Life Changers’ curriculum reflects this, as teaching on all areas of discipleship is included in each of the four years and is applied practically to the children’s own lives. It captures the children’s attention through fully visualised lessons (mostly with 8 flashcard pictures) which are designed to be taught to all ages from 7-12 in one large group. This is followed by a variety of activities in small age related groups or classes. Detailed explanations are given on how to put this curriculum into practice in various ministry situations. Visualised memory verses and a CD with the lessons power points are also included.
If you are looking for a depth of Bible teaching plus modern day biography stories of God working in lives then ‘Life Changers’ is for you.
Ideal for Children’s Churches, Sunday schools, clubs, camps etc. Everything you need for 12 weeks of teaching (except for songs) in a convenient storage box.